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Article: CRAFT FEAST at Stissing House - Part II

CRAFT FEAST at Stissing House - Part II

Here are some additional notes from Craft Feast at Stissing House.

What's better than starting the year with clotted cream (no New Year, New You here - the opposite of hygge!). Instead we are going to draw attention to some makers to keep on your radar. I was so impressed with the artist, Amy Krone

Krone weaves baskets through her project titled: Cambium Lost Arts. The premise of which is "dedicated to the exploration of any form of art or craft that has either been lost entirely or is dwindling as a result of industrialization and modern business efficiencies." Her focus is currently on hand-split white oak basketry in the Appalachian style (a lost art).

She sustainably harvests materials at her home in the Catskill Mountains (a 125-acre property) and makes each basket by hand (each piece averages about 28 hours). The artist also offers an array of workshops and classes. You can find a selection of her baskets here and take a peek at the selection she made for Craft Feast—I loved the tiny vases.



After following them for years, it was such a treat to see a selection from Plain Goods shop in person. I absolutely love their mix of small batch handcrafted items (the most incredible sweaters) and they have such a great eye hone it comes to antiques and vintage. I loved their vintage fabric tissue box covers and matching coasters. They even have their own label—with the most beautiful forever pieces. I hope I can make it to their store soon.