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Article: CRAFT FEAST 2024


I am a huge fan of the flowers from @english_garden_grown - such a lovely account.  I went home with some beautiful paper whites, a gift. 


It was my second year to attend Craft Feast at Stissing House. It was a wonderful chance to see some of my favorite vendors from last year and to be introduced to some new makers. This year, Craft Feast was on Martha Stewart's radar as well. It was nice to see that ORANGERY was ahead of the curve on that one. 

I loved seeing pieces from Curio Shop in person- they have such an interesting & well-edited collection

A selection from Quittner from the Hudson Valley

The cutest kids items from Country Mouse 

I've always loved pieces from Frances Palmer. I purchased one of her small dishes at MUCH ABOUT MADOO a few years ago, but I'd love to have one of her vases or planters someday. 

And, last but not least, the works from Deborah Needleman were exquisite. I was tempted to get the magazine holder, but I thought it would be too heartbreaking of a potential loss with a four month old puppy at home. 

Maybe next year...